

The contents of the Search For Health web site and any of the links it contains are for educational and informational purposes or to describe Search For Health products and services. The web site and its content are not intended to provide medical or other professional health care advice, nor is it intended to be used to diagnose or assess health conditions or to be substituted for professional guidance in treatment. Always seek the counsel of your physician or other qualified health practitioner with any concerns you may have regarding symptoms, a medical condition, or the use of any products. You should not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Search For Health web site. I understand that Search For Health is not responsible for misuse I may make of this site, or of the content of sites accessed through a link on its web site.


In addition to conventional care, many of the diagnostic procedures and treatments used at Search For Health are not considered proven by conventional medical authorities.

Such care is commonly referred to as complementary or alternative medicine (“CAM”), or functional, holistic or integrative care. Many of these therapies have been long practiced in other cultures, while others are emerging, innovative techniques that bring to patients the best thinking of researchers and cutting edge physicians from around the world. Some of these therapies may be experimental or under formal investigational status and patients may have to meet certain criteria to have access to these procedures. Some tests or treatments may not have received formal approval by the Food and Drug Administration or other regulatory agencies for the purposes for which they are used by Search For Health’ practitioners. I understand that if I choose to see a practitioner at Search For Health I will discuss the status, risks and benefits of potential diagnostic tests and therapies. 


Reliance on any information provided by Search For Health, Search For Health employees, or others appearing on the site at the invitation of Search For Health, is solely at your own risk. Search For Health makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. The use of the Search For Health site and its content is at your own risk. Search For Health, its practitioners and suppliers, to the fullest extent permitted by law, disclaim all warranties, either express or implied, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement of third parties’ rights, and fitness for a particular purpose.

In no event shall Search For Health, its directors, board members, practitioners, employees or other representatives, or its licensors or suppliers or any third parties mentioned on the Search For Health site, be liable for any damages resulting from the use of the information on this site.

This is a comprehensive limitation of liability to the extent allowed by federal and state law that includes personal injury, including death, caused by your use or misuse of the site or its content and applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. Such limitation includes actions based on warranty, contract, tort or any other legal theory, and whether or not Search For Health is advised of the possibility of such damages. Please note that price and availability information is subject to change without notice.

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